Today is the day!

Today is the day!

Okay besties, old and new, today is the official day of launching Sage's Closet Revived! My granddaughters and I have been working on this "idea" for quite some time.   It has been an emotional journey to say the least.  This is a tribute to my grandson Sage, who was known for finding and collecting "treasures". I think he came by that naturally...

He saw and found value in things others may overlook. So... twice treasured,  and discover beauty from ashes  are a theme in Sage's Closet Revived. 

Join me and follow alongside us in this journey. 

Feel free to leave your thoughts and feedback!

Today is the day...praying for a God sized miracle. I will close my eyes and jump in.


Bettiann  aka Gram-B.

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You go gurl!!

Dee Worthen-Alexander

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